Expanding the Brain through Games

One thing I try to do as a teacher is expand students’ thought processes. While memorization and application certainly have their place in education, what I really want my students to do is to be able to weigh, evaluate and respond to new challenges that they will come across in every aspect of their future lives. While it seems crucial now that they are able to expound on the conflict of social status vs. relationships in Great Expectations or translate the passive periphrastic construction in Caesar’s Gallic War, is that really the sum total of what I want them to learn?

Of course not. I want them to be problem solvers, solution finders and change makers. I want them to investigate conundrums, wrestle with problems and question preconceived notions. In short, I want them to be thinkers ... but how do I get them there?

The use of brain teasers and other puzzles is something I’ve found useful in developing those thinking skills. It seems like a fun little break from the daily routine of class, but in actuality, it’s so much more. Brain teasers improve cognitive abilities and sharpen the thinking process. The answers to many brain teasers require interpretations that go beyond the usual, requiring out-of-the-box thinking. While brain teasers can be fun and exciting, there is no doubt that they are also helping students to hone their critical thinking skills.

Here’s a chance for you to put your critical thinking skills to the test! Below are 4 brain teasers that I do with my freshman classes. Can you come up with the solutions? Answers are at the end (scroll to see). Good luck!

  1. A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He spends three days there and rides out again on Friday. How is this possible?
  2. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?
  3. Take my first letter away and I am the same. Take my fifth letter away and I am the same. What am I?
  4. What animal is most sought after when it’s irritated?
Amy Holtslander,
English and Latin Teacher


















  1. Friday is the name of the cowboy’s horse.
  2. An ear of corn
  3. A mailbox
  4. Oyster