Embracing the Journey: Settling into Life at CLHS this Fall

As the heat wave hits this week, the halls of Concordia Lutheran High School are buzzing with excitement. Our freshmen just completed their Freshman Retreat last week and have made new connections with classmates and teachers. August marks the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. For those of you who have joined our vibrant community this fall, welcome! In this blog post, we'll guide you through settling into life at CLHS and making the most of this transformative journey.

Finding Your Place in the Community:

Transitioning to a new school is both exhilarating and challenging. At CLHS, we prioritize creating a supportive community for all our students. Here's how you can find your place:

Connect with Classmates: Don't hesitate to introduce yourself and strike up conversations with your peers. You're not alone on this journey.

Attend School Events: From sports games to club meetings, attending events is a fantastic way to meet new people and engage in the school's spirit. Make sure to sit in the Student Section at games and cheer! Follow “cadetcrazy” on Instagram to get the latest information on what the theme for student dress will be for the game. 

Navigating Academics with Confidence:

With new subjects, teachers, and routines, the academic transition can be both exciting and daunting. Here's how to navigate it successfully:

Stay Organized: Use planners, apps, or calendars to keep track of assignments, tests, and important dates.

Engage in Class: Participate actively in class discussions and ask questions—your teachers are here to help you succeed.

Use Available Resources: Whether it's the library, study groups, or tutoring sessions, take advantage of resources to excel in your studies. We offer FREE tutoring down in the Study Center Mon-Thursday after school until 5pm.

Deepening Your Spiritual Journey:

At CLHS, we're committed to nurturing your spiritual growth. Here's how you can embrace this aspect of your journey:

Be attentive in chapel services to reflect, pray, and connect with your faith.

Engage in Discussions: Participate in thoughtful discussions with classmates and teachers about your beliefs and spiritual journey. At CLHS this isn’t just limited to your Theology class, it could be in any of your classes and Koinonia!

Explore Faith-based Activities: From Bible studies to community service projects, get involved in activities that align with your values. FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets on Tuesday mornings at 8 AM for Bible Study/devotions and they host awesome monthly events. You do not have to be an athlete to attend. Helping Hands is a service group at CLHS. Watch your Daily Bulletin e-newsletter for meeting times.

Embracing Extracurricular Opportunities:

High school is the perfect time to explore your passions beyond the classroom. Here's how to make the most of your extracurricular experiences:

Join Clubs: Discover clubs that align with your interests, from science to drama to community service.

Express Yourself Through the Arts: Explore music, theater, visual arts, and more to tap into your creative side.

Pursue Athletics: Whether you're a seasoned athlete or trying something new, our sports teams offer a chance to stay active and build teamwork skills.

Again, read your Daily Bulletin e-newsletter that gets sent to you every day to see meeting and tryout dates.

Cultivating Supportive Relationships:

Your journey at CLHS is enriched by the relationships you build. Here's how to foster connections:

Teachers and Mentors: Seek guidance from teachers and mentors who are here to support your academic and personal growth.

Upperclassmen Wisdom: Connect with older students who can offer insights into navigating high school successfully.

Family and Friends: Share your experiences with loved ones, who will provide encouragement and a listening ear.

August marks the beginning of a remarkable journey—a journey of growth, discovery, and personal transformation. As you immerse yourself in life at CLHS, remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise and that the bonds you form here will last a lifetime. Embrace the journey with an open heart, a curious mind, and a commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.

Parents – please stay connected with us on social media. You can also join the Parents Facebook Group. Please explore our website as well to learn about upcoming events, activities, and ways to get involved. Click here to check out the latest parent’s events! We're excited to witness the growth and achievements that the months ahead will bring.


Dawn Schuller - Director of Admissions & Retention
(260) 483-1102 ext. 298
(260) 417-7860 (cell)
[email protected]

Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5