So Short

Did you notice that our “Summer Break” – is over? Probably the most common question asked at the beginning of a new school year is “What did you do over summer?” And the answers almost always revolves around how quickly that break flew by.

Now, for staff at CLHS their summers don’t include being off for two months. But for students and faculty it does – and before we know it that summer break is over. 

We all experience these same things in other ways. When summer arrives it seems like just a moment goes by, and then the trees explode into various colors and lose their leaves. And suddenly, the dreaded winter appears, and we long for those summer months to return (except for the “Eskimos” around us).

As a teacher I see this inextricable passage of time more and more. It’s a bit of a shock when I look at my class rosters and begin teaching the children of my former students. What? How can this be? Well, when you’ve taught at CLHS for more than 20 years time moves on and we see those bright young former students as adults with their own children and families.

James talks about this in his letter to us: “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14). Like the mist on a bathroom mirror after one takes a shower, when the door is opened it disappears instantly. So too, in the timeline of eternity our lives are just a fleeting moment. However much time God gives us, whether it’s 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 years, it is over in a moment.

The question we need to ask ourselves is: Have we lived our lives for Jesus? Have we tried to learn more about Him and grow in that relationship? And have we tried our best to instill that knowledge of His love for us in our children, and students, and the others God brings into our lives? Of course we all fall short in this, but have we tried to use the years God has given us to share that Gospel message of Jesus’ love for us and to live for Him?

When the leaves change their colors and begin falling I usually think of this verse in James. God has given us the incredible gift of life. And no matter how long, or short, it may be let’s use that time to love Him and all the people around us.

“One life, twill soon be past – only what’s done for Christ will last.”

~ Rev. Dr. Joseph Gudel,
Director of Campus Ministry & Theology Teacher