Thankful in the good and bad times

What a year 2020 has been. When I thought about what I was going to write about in this blog, 2020 was the first thing to pop into my head. But not because of all the terribleness associated with it, but rather to give thanks for all the good I was able to be part of.

I remember years ago sitting in a Bible study and talking about 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. In that Bible study, discussion took place about how easy it is to give thanks for the good things that happen in life, but we should also give thanks for the bad things too. That is a concept that can be tough to grasp, especially in a time of uncertainty like 2020. But I am so thankful — thankful to be surrounded by co-workers who support each other, administration that works tirelessly (day and night), a faculty that goes above and beyond to provide the best education for my children and yours, and our CLHS community who supports us through prayers and sharing of your talents and gifts.

March of 2020 was when rumblings began about the Coronavirus and the plans were being formulated of “if” we should have to shut down. Quickly, that is exactly what happened, and that plan was put into place. Providing the best education and experience for our students was the priority while recognizing support for our faculty was equally important. When I think back now, I am so proud and thankful to be a CLHS parent. Remote learning transitioned seamlessly for my son and the commitment, concern and love shown from the teachers went beyond the virtual classroom. They were and continue to be rock stars!!

Working in Development where we have a lot of in-person events, we knew we were going to have to think outside the box. In late February our Advancement Team met to plan out the 2020-21 year. In April, we knew that plan was going to require significant changes. The first change was to our Phoneathon that was scheduled to take place in April. With some creative collaboration and the support of so many members of our CLHS community, we were able to create a Day of Caring to support those families who were being impacted the most by the virus. The financial support we received from all of you was incredible and so appreciated. With your financial support, we were able to help 41 Concordia families. For that, I am thankful. We continue to modify events and some have even had to be cancelled or postponed such as Grandparents Day and our CEF Scholarship Luncheons, but I am confident that these opportunities to experience CLHS will be back as soon as we are able to open up the campus safely.

2020 has definitely been a year of uncertainty and has provided many opportunities for discouragement but I continue to be thankful to be a part of our Concordia Family, a family rooted in Christ.

Wendy Bentz,
Director of Development Services