Alumni Spotlight: Matt Konow

What is your current occupation?
I serve as the Executive Director at the Biblical counseling ministry of Cross Connections, Inc. I am responsible for implementing the vision and direction the Board of Directors has set out for the ministry. I am blessed to work with an amazing group of servant-leaders who encourage me in my faith and make each day a treasured blessing. We are currently doing a fundraising campaign called Bald Christmas, where I will shave my head and leave it that way from Thanksgiving through Christmas, provided we achieve our goal of $20,000. So anyone who wants to see me bald, email or call me. What a great job perk!
What was your education after Concordia?
After serving in the United States Navy for five years (GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY!), I earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Indiana Tech.
What did you love most about CLHS?
Number one thing I love the most about CLHS was meeting my wife, Amy (Fair). We started dating our senior year. I also loved the many friends made that I still am in touch with today. The Lord also used my time at CLHS to strengthen my faith in ways I couldn't imagine as my father passed away my sophomore year from cancer. That was a difficult and dark time in my life, and the Lord put friends and teachers in my life who helped encourage me with love and grace during my struggle.
What advice would you pass along to students?
The spiritual habits you begin now will provide unexpected blessings in your life. Daily prayer time and listening to God speak to you through studying His word is critical because you are going to experience adversity in your life. Your plans won't always be His plans, so trust His plans because He will never fail you nor lead you astray. Have the courage to speak up and defend Biblical truth, even when it isn't popular. Another truth I have learned is to not let others people's words have any power over you. Words only hurt if you let them. Let God's Word be the sole authority in your life and it will make your life much fuller and give you peace.