CLHS ends contact tracing

Hello Concordia,
The Indiana Department of Health (IDOH), has informed schools in our state that the IDOH will end contact tracing of individuals who have been exposed to a positive COVID-19 case, and end the requirement that schools report positive COVID-19 cases to the IDOH. 
The IDOH stated, “While universal case investigation and contact tracing during the initial phase of the pandemic was justified as the phases of the pandemic evolve, public health experts agree that this degree of response is no longer optimal.” 
Beginning Tuesday, February 22, Concordia Lutheran High School will no longer notify families of students who may have been a close contact to a positive COVID-19 case nor will we hold them from attending school. 

Parents and guardians are asked to continue reporting a student’s positive case to the school office for attendance purposes. Students who test positive for COVID-19 will still have to be isolated for 5 days and symptoms must be resolved or improved before their return to school. A negative Covid test result is not required to return to school. The IDOH recommends that students returning wear a mask on days 6-10, but not mandatory. 
Please continue to keep your child home when they are sick. Please get tested (home test or lab test) if presenting symptoms of COVID-19. Per school policy and IDOH recommendation, individuals must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of any fever-reducing medicine, in order to return to school.
Schedule Reminders:
Friday, Feb 18 - eLearning (students remain home, teachers will email school work)
Monday, Feb 21 - No School - Presidents Day Holiday
Tuesday, Feb 22 - A Day
Wednesday, Feb 23 - B Day
Thursday, Feb 24 - C Day (Chapel everyone)
Friday, Feb 25 - D Day (Koinonia all groups meet)

Thank you for your prayers and support. Concordia has been able to continue with academic learning and community activities through the cooperation, support, and shared responsibilities during the past two years. Thank you!
In Christ,

CLHS Administration