Try Computer Science

Do you know who the 10 wealthiest Americans of 2021 were? Forbes does and according to them, people named Bill, Elon, Mark, Jeff, and Steve were among the leading wage earners. Feel free to Google their names, rankings, or income. While you are doing that, be sure to check out what industry they made their fortune in. Would it surprise you to know that 8 of the 10 wealthiest Americans in 2021 were in the technology field? According to Investopedia, technology is the second U.S. economy leader (behind healthcare) and “employment in computer and IT is projected to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations.”

So what does all this mean? TAKE COMPUTER SCIENCE NOW!!! No joke. Those who do not leave high school with a computer science education are at a disadvantage going into college and their future. It is tragic that Indiana does not require high school students to take a single computer science course as part of their graduation requirements to fulfill a well-rounded education and until they do it is up to you to invest in the future by participating in as many computer science courses as you can take.

At Concordia, there are a wide variety of computer science courses to choose from covering many topics including programming, video game design, mobile app development, robotics, networking, and cyber-security. Each course is designed to be hands-on, project-based learning with a focus on logic, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. No other school in the area offers the breadth or depth of cs opportunities made available here and it is yours for the taking.

It is a strange reality when I have to continually solicit technology classes as if computer science were a fringe offering in an obscure field with limited job potential. One day someone at the IDOE will wake up realizing maybe our kids should be exposed to this computer stuff BEFORE they head off to college. Until they do, take the initiative and try one of our computer science classes. Who knows, you might find your future.

Scott Storm,
Director of Technology/Computer Science Instructor