Christmas – Full Speed Ahead!

Well, here we are – Thanksgiving feasts have come and gone, and Christmas is now in our sights.  If ever there was a time of the school year when the days seem to have less than 24 hours each and the weeks, I’m sure, don’t all have 7 days in them, it’s December.  


Consider some of the things that the upcoming weeks will contain:  

– the last few weeks of the first semester, complete with projects and followed by final exams


– the last few days of our Christmas Bureau project, where 2nd period classes have “adopted” a local family in need and are seeking to provide some necessities for that family this Christmas


– final preparation for the school’s annual Cadets in Cadence Dinner Auction, where friends and supporters of CLHS join in celebrating Concordia and gather to raise funds for tuition assistance and other special projects


– final rehearsals and then the presentation of the annual Christmas at the Embassy concert by the students and staff of the Music Department


– many family gatherings and celebrations, Advent services, some shopping, and much, much more!


So it may be especially important that we are mindful of a few things:

– the good Lord to whom we gave thanks recently for the many blessings of food and family at Thanksgiving is the same Lord who reminds us that our lives are to be lived when thanksgiving, even when the schedule is packed


– that packed schedule is indeed a blessing when compared to some of the last few years, where the COVID pandemic halted so many of our normal activities, gatherings, and celebrations


– Jesus’ birthday party is a unique party;  instead of the normal situation of giving material gifts to the individual having the birthday, we give gifts to the loved ones with whom Jesus has blessed us.


So hold on tight, it might be a fast ride through the next several weeks!  We pray that the Lord would help us to eagerly anticipate a true Christmas observance, as we celebrate Jesus Christ’s first coming to save us from our sins, but also look forward to His 2nd coming, where He will take us to be with Him forever!


Eric Kaschinske,
Math Teacher and Department Chair