Welcome back to our new year, 2024, filled with promise and adventures! As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the mission we have here at CLHS for faith, community, and service.
Let us start this new semester with intentionality toward prayer, reflection and living out our faith. By celebrating our students, faculty and staff with the various backgrounds and traditions, may we embrace the opportunities to learn from one another while fostering an environment of respect and understanding.
Concordia Lutheran High School places a strong emphasis on service to others. This is evident through our service day in the fall in addition to our school wide Christmas Bureau involvement in late November leading into December. At this start of 2024, let’s renew our commitment to help those in our midst, to engage in acts of kindness, to lend a hand where needed, and to shine our light for others to see. As a Concordia family we can embody the values of love and service.
I pray God will guide our path to navigate both the joys and challenges that lie ahead. Welcome back to this year of many possibilities and the presence of God’s grace and love in our lives.