Financial Aid Update for 2024-2025

It’s that time of year to make sure you have completed what you need to for financial aid for the 2024-2025 school year.

Incoming students:

  1. Financial aid letters were mailed the week of February 12th.  If you haven’t received your’s in the mail yet, please contact me.
  2. Do you want to be reviewed for additional funding and/or the Choice Scholarship?  You will need to complete the online application on our website and submit the required documentation.  This does have a deadline of July 1st.

Returning Students:

  1. Do you currently receive the Excel Scholarship?  We will review the student’s GPA at the end of the year to make sure they are meeting the renewal criteria.  (3.5 for the Concordia Scholars and 3.0 for the Excel).  
  2. Did you receive a Tuition Scholarship this year?  If yes, then you don’t need to complete the application again.  If no, and you wish to be reviewed for 2024-2025, you will need to complete the online application on our website and submit the required documentation.  This does have a deadline of July 1st.
  3. If you have had a change in income, please contact me directly so we can note this in your file and discuss the changes and the paperwork to submit.
  4. Financial aid letters for returning students will be handed out at your Choice Scholarship appointment if you have received the scholarship in 2023-2024.  If you don’t currently receive the Choice Scholarship, letters will be mailed to you in March.

For All Students:

  1. An email will be sent mid-March to let you know it is time to set up your appointment to complete the paperwork for the Indiana Choice Scholarship.  Appointments will begin in April.

The State set the actual dollar amounts for the 2023-2024 school year the beginning of February.  The actual amount did increase and have been applied to your account. 

As always, if you should have any questions or your circumstances change, please feel free to contact me. 

In Christ,

Debbie Schumm