Alumni Resources » Planning a Reunion

Planning a Reunion

Thank you for taking on the exciting task of organizing your high school reunion! We’re here to support you every step of the way to ensure your event is a success. Here’s how our Alumni Office can assist:


  • Connect with Classmates: We can help you find others in your class who are interested in joining the planning committee.
  • Class List: Obtain an updated class list with contact details.
  • Event Promotion: We’ll promote your reunion on our website, send out one postcard to classmates, and assist with email communications.
  • School Tour: Arrange a tour of Concordia Lutheran High School.
  • CLHS Update: Schedule a staff member to provide an update about the school at your reunion.
  • Venue Reservations: Book our Worship Conference Center or Auditorium for a class worship service, if desired.


We hope your reunion brings classmates together to reconnect and reminisce. Concordia is committed to fostering Christ-centered lives, and we hope you cherish the memories of your time here.


Getting Started

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to Audrey Gilbert, Director of Annual Giving, at (260) 483-1102, ext. 217, or via email at [email protected] to share your planning committee contact.
  2. Survey Your Class: Use tools like SurveyMonkey to assess interest, gather ideas, and identify potential volunteers.
  3. Form Your Committee: Assemble a team from interested classmates.
  4. Update the Class List: Request an updated list from us, make necessary updates, and keep CLHS informed of any new contact information.
  5. Select a Date and Venue: Choose a date and location that fit your budget (virtual options are available).
  6. Book Hotel Rooms: Arrange a block of rooms at local hotels for classmates traveling from out of town.
  7. Create a Class Website or Social Media Page: Share information and updates about the reunion.
  8. Send Save-the-Dates: We can assist with sending out a printed postcard and help with other promotional efforts.

Popular Venues to Consider

  • Club Soda
  • Parkview Field (TinCaps)
  • Baker Street Train Station
  • Hall’s Gas House
  • Salomon Farms
  • PFW Alumni Center
  • Goeglein’s

For hotel options, visit Visit Fort Wayne.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance!