Barnabas Award
Concordia students, faculty and staff are invited to nominate members of the senior class for the Barnabas Award.
The criteria for selection of the Barnabas Award are below. Using those items as a guide, share your thoughts as to why you are recommending the person for the award. Attempt as much as possible to speak to the content of the criteria guidelines and include any information, anecdotes, feelings, or thoughts that would be helpful to the selection committee. Include prior to your essay the following information:
Your name
Name of nominee
Nominee's church congregation (if known)
(Your essay would then follow)
All nominations MUST be sent via e-mail (the content can either be directly in the e-mail message or in a WORD or PAGES attachment) and sent to: [email protected] Please put “Barnabas Award” in the subject line. An acknowledgement of the receipt of the nomination will be sent to you. All nominations must be received by Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
Thank you for your time and effort in caring for and wanting to recognize one of God's special people.
The Class of 1986 through is gift to Concordia Lutheran High School established an award, which is to be annually presented to a member of the senior class. Barnabas was a missionary and co-worker with St. Paul. The name “Barnabas” means “encourager” and that is what he was. His mission and ministry in life was to be of service to his fellowman. He lived the faith and was dedicated to bolstering and encouraging fellow believers in theirs. His actions spoke clearly what he professed to be.
At Concordia our claim is that “Christ is the center of our lives." The Barnabas Award is established to recognize an individual whose life and actions exemplify that credo.
Any member of the senior class may be nominated for the award by any member of the faculty or staff or any student of Concordia Lutheran High School. Each nominator will complete a form providing information regarding the nominee.
Selection Committee:
The principal shall annually appoint a selection committee. It shall consist of four faculty members and four seniors, none of whom were either nominated for the award or nominated another individual. The committee will also have representation from one member of the class of 1986.
Criteria for Selection:
The Barnabas Awardee should:
- Exhibit an active involvement in the ministry of their local church congregation.
- Actively seek to befriend and encourage fellow students and faculty in their spiritual as well as temporal lives.
- Display an active participation in the worship life of the Concordia family.
- Demonstrate a willingness to share their faith in Christ with others in both word and action.
- Exhibit an overall commitment to give rather than receive, to serve rather than be served.
Past Barnabas Recipients
- 1986 Becky Grim
- 1987 Susie Schoenherr
- 1998 Tammy Lagemann
- 1989 Christine Sorg
- 1990 Bill Habegger
- 1991 Nikki Grepke
- 1992 Sarah Smith
- 1993 Miriam Miller
- 1994 Jillian Olsen
- 1995 Molly Pierce
- 1996 David Rufner
- 1997 Tracy Robbins
- 1998 Kelli Borchelt
- 1999 Chandlebray Hein
- 2000 Janelle Cotter
- 2001 Scott Borchelt
- 2002 Katy Messmann
- 2003 Abby Parkison
- 2004 Julia Wakeland
- 2005 Aaron Barnholt
- 2006 Kate Brelje
- 2007 Cori Stemen
- 2008 Kasey Gater
- 2009 Blythe Harkenrider
- 2010 Caleb Hansen
- 2011 Amani Rogers
- 2012 Jaclyn Berning
- 2013 Madalene Eggold
- 2014 Sophie Knox
- 2015 Maddie Nichols
- 2016 James Dixie
- 2017 Dylan Patterson
- 2018 Tysen Chambers
- 2019 Mason Kaschinske
- 2020 Luke Neuhaus
- 2021 Kylee Turnpaugh
- 2022 Michael Habegger
- 2023 Dakota Hitzemann