Koinonia - Small Group Mentoring
What is Koinonia?
The Concordia Lutheran High School Koinonia Ministry is a combined effort of both students and staff doing ministry as a team. The greatest strength in our school is that we focus everything on the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The mission of the Koinonia ministry is to pursue a closer, growing relationship with Jesus Christ and each other through small-group, interactive Bible study and prayer and to increase the desire to follow God’s will for our lives.
This small group ministry consists of 66 groups of 12 students each (freshmen through seniors) and an adult mentor who meet once a week for about 25 minutes. A Koinonia Leader is a servant leader from within the group who seeks God’s strength and guidance to fulfill the purpose of Koinonia: to aid the members of the group in their relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, using prayer and Scripture in an interactive format.
Want to be a leader?
Next year’s juniors and seniors may be selected as leaders by their group through a nomination process in the spring. Nominees who desire to be Koinonia Leaders must complete an application, which is reviewed by the Koinonia Coordinator and the adult mentor of the group. The list of applicants is provided to all adult mentors for review.
Koinonia Coordinator: Mr. Mark Dolde
Leaders attend lunch meetings and faithfully prepare for each week of Koinonia. Leaders are also asked to commit to the following five holy habits:
1. Prayer – I will daily communicate with God. (Ephesians 6:18)
2. Scripture – I will daily read God’s Word. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)
3. Koinonia – I will be in fellowship with other believers. (1 John 1:5-7)
4. Loving Actions – I will become more aware of the needs around me. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
5. Faithful Witness – I will be ready to share my faith in Jesus. (1 Peter 3:15-16)
For more information on the Koinonia Ministry at CLHS, contact Mark Dolde at [email protected].