Spiritual Life as a Student
Concordia Lutheran High School focuses its educational program and activity on nurturing the Christian faith in its students and staff. It is our conviction that the power to live a fulfilled life and receive the gift of eternal life comes through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This faith comes to us from God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit. That power and understanding is intentionally nurtured through the study of God’s Word, prayer, worship and the personal devotional life of each member of the Concordia family.
Worship, in its broadest sense, includes all that we do in work and play, as we give honor and glory to God through the use of our talents and the sharing of love with others. We gather in worship on various occasions to celebrate God’s love for us, reflect on God’s majesty, and grow together as a community. Such experiences - in our weekly chapels, weekly Koinonia groups, homeroom, via the intercom, in groups, in teams, in informal gatherings - are simply part of being a student and staff member at Concordia. Our worship reflects our intentional commitment to our mission as a Lutheran high school.
We encourage students and families to attend congregational worship and church activities regularly since Concordia does not intend for its worship life to be a substitute for the congregational family. Regular communion attendance is also encouraged, through which believers draw closer to the Lord and to each other.
It is our prayer that our students will grow in the Lord through their years at Concordia and receive the spiritual power of God to live as dedicated young Christians. Their Christian faith can become the source of power and understanding for all activities at school, for life at home or work, and for all of their relationships. God has promised His Spirit and we trust His good and loving will for us.
The school day begins with a brief devotion given by a faculty member or student. This special beginning of the day may be via the school’s intercom or in the homeroom itself. Students who are tardy and arrive at school during the devotion should come quietly into the building and wait until the devotion is completed before moving in the halls or going to lockers.