Students compete in CLHS’ Math/Science Adventure

Oct. 30, 2015

FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Lutheran grade school students shot marshmallows, uncovered forensic clues and programmed robots all for the chance to take the top spot in Concordia Lutheran High School’s Math/Science Adventure.

On Wednesday, Oct. 28, students competed in individual and team competitions throughout the evening. They chose their individual event based on their skill sets, from physics to math to robotics, and then competed with their school team in the Quiz Bowl, Metric Olympics or Pictures Only (like Pictionary).

This program is designed to promote and challenge science and math skills.

The overall team standings were:

1st. Wyneken Team B
2nd. St. John-Emmanuel Team A
3rd. Emmanuel-St. Michael Team B
4th. Wyneken Team A
5th. Suburban Bethlehem Team Team A

Concordia Lutheran High School, located at 1601 St. Joe River Drive in Fort Wayne, Ind., was founded in 1935 as a private, co-educational Lutheran high school open to students of all faiths and backgrounds. With Christ at the center, Concordia continues to pursue educational excellence that equips individuals for lifelong learning and service as disciples of Jesus Christ. Learn more at
