School Health FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the school nurse need when I enroll my student at CLHS?

A completed and signed emergency form (turned in at Registration). You may also indicate on this form if you wish to have your student take over the counter Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, or Pepto-Bismol from the nurse. The school nurse will also need all immunizations as mandated by the State of Indiana either from the student’s previous school or your Health Care Provider.

What immunizations does my student need?

Immunizations must be current and up to date as mandated by the State of Indiana. They are specific for each grade level. The school nurse can answer specific questions regarding your student. These would include, but not limited to, all childhood immunizations, updated TDAP Booster, and Meningitis. 

What if my student takes medication every day at school?

Please have a conversation with the school nurse as some medications need to be brought in per a parent and counted with a parent. Over-the-Counter meds may be brought in in their original packaging, marked with the student’s name, and locked in the clinic med cabinet for the duration of the school year. Please note that per Indiana State Law, students may not carry any medications on their person or keep in their locker or gym bag. Narcotics may not be given or taken at or when coming to school. Please do not bring large, bulk-size containers because of space concerns. 


What if my student has severe allergies?

Please have a conversation with the school nurse and complete a severe allergic reaction form found on the Registration website or obtained from the School Nurse. This information may be shared with the Cafeteria Manager.


What if my student has asthma?

If your student has asthma and uses an inhaler, please provide a prescription copy to the school nurse to have on file. This can even be a copy of the inhaler prescription box. Your student should carry their inhaler with them at all times. Please note that inhalers left in hot cars can change composition rendering them ineffective and not usable in an emergency. Please make sure that your student puts their name on their inhaler with a Sharpie marker as many students may all have identical inhalers.


What if my student becomes ill at school?

If your student becomes ill at school, they should obtain a pass from their teacher and visit the clinic where they can be evaluated by the school nurse. If your student contacts you and indicates that they need to go home, feel very free to contact the nurse at (260) 483-1102, ext 235 to chat about the situation. Many times, there are other options that the nurse can employ. If your student does need to leave school to go home, the school nurse will contact a parent or, if unavailable, another emergency contact.


What if my student has a health issue such as diabetes?

The school nurse meets with parents at the beginning of the school year to make and evaluate care plans for your student. She is happy to help with any accommodations that may be necessary. She will work with your student for glucose blood monitoring as well as being a depository for supplies, snacks, and guidance if needed.

Please feel free to contact the School Nurse with any health issue that arises during the school year and please contact the School Nurse if your student has an ongoing health situation or has any surgeries or injuries.