School Health » Immunizations for Students

Immunizations for Students

Remember that your student needs vaccinations throughout their school career.
Indiana state law requires each student to have immunizations for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B and chickenpox (unless they had the disease).  A verification of these immunizations (shot record) must be on file in the student’s record at the school at the time of registration. Also mandated is a tetanus/pertussis booster and meningitis vaccine between 14-16 years of age. The student’s immunization record is a part of the student’s permanent record. An updated copy of each student’s immunization record is given to each student prior to graduation.
Please refer to the Immunization Chart below (PDF) to see what your child will need and when. 
Please check with your Health Care Provider about any questions. 
Click the PDF below to see a suggested schedule for your student's vaccinations. 
If there is a reason that your student cannot be vaccinated, please submit the form below to the School Nurse. The vaccination exemption form that it is to be used ONLY if there is a medical reason you cannot get vaccinated.