Important Admissions Dates
Start applying for admissions for the 2024-25 school year! Click here to apply.
We will provide you with information on our tuition for the 2024-25 school year. Click here for information.
8th graders can come for a day to experience high school. If your student isn't already coming with their school, please register. All 8th graders are welcome. Registration coming soon...
This is our first admissions event of the year. Come at 6:30 PM to hear the full presentation. All grades are welcome (parents and students)! Registration coming soon...
Priority Application & Financial Aid Deadline - December 20, 2024
This is the deadline to apply for admission for the 2024-25 in order to receive your financial aid package in mid-February. You can still apply after this date, however. You must also complete your financial aid applications in order to receive your financial aid package by mid-February. You may apply for aid after this date. This is, however, the final deadline for the Concordia Scholar Application.
Open House - Sunday Noon to 3 PM Jan. 26, 2025
This is our "Last Chance" Open House for the year. All grades are welcome. Come and go from Noon to 3 PM. Registration coming soon...
Freshman Scheduling Nights - February 24 (Student's Last Name Ends in A-M) or February 26 (Student's Last name ends in N-Z)
This is the time to come in and set up the schedule for your incoming freshman. Dates are split based on your last name. Click here for more information.
Take Your Math Placement Test - Spring Test Dates: 3/3/25 6:30-8 pm | 3/6/25 6:30-8 pm | 3/8/25 9-10:30 am & 3/9/25 6:30-8 pm
This will help determine if your student is ready for honors math classes. Watch your email for information about your placement test.
May - Schedule your CHOICE (Voucher) meeting with Debbie Schumm to complete your paperwork
Enrollment Packet and Select your Payment Plan - May/June 2024
Your Enrollment Packet is sent out through the FACTS Family Portal (same system as your application). The Enrollment Packet is sent after you are accepted, and you will select your payment plan in May/June.
Tuition Scholarship - July 1, 2025
This is the final deadline to apply for tuition assistance. Click here to apply.
Registration (Books and Locks, etc) - August 6 & 7 from 2-6 pm
Your Enrollment Packet also starts the Registration process. During our Back-to-School Open House in August, you will come in with your student to receive their books, locks, and get their school picture taken along with other items.